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Writer's picturePhilomena Asante

Celebrating my 1 year Anniversary!

Flower Friends,

It's been a year since I purchased this house and 8 months since I moved in. And what a year it has been. Lots of life changes and adjustments as this Boston girl adapts to life in North Guilford. I thought I was doing pretty well overall until last Tuesday when I woke up with no water. On Monday I watered deeply both the front and back fields of my home(about an acre of plantings out of 5 acres). I noticed the water pressure slowly decrease by the end of the day Monday and thought--no problem, my well is low--it will recover in the morning. I woke up 5am Tuesday and found I had no water. Nothing zero zip. Not even a drop. I checked the lights--nope the electricity is not shut off. I then thought maybe the circuit breaker for the well had tripped. I rushed to the basement and flipped the well water switch on the circuit breaker. STILL NO WATER. So I called two neighbors with tears in my eyes. They could tell I was upset. Both came down to the house. And when the first neighbor arrived, I burst into tear. I felt exhausted and overwhelmed. I am a flower farmer. I need to have water. I am a doctor, I know nothing about wells.

Could my well be dry? No, my neighbors agreed after back and forth analysis. Is it a circuit breaker issue? No. I was right about that. It must be a pump issue my neighbors concluded. Call the pump guy they said. Wait--I don't know who the pump guy is. Called the well company. No they didn't install the pump. Called Guilford Town Hall--Is the pump guy on the permit? No. Called the water treatment folks. They didn't install the pump either but know who may have and gave me his number. Great! I called the pump guy and he said--shut the circuit breaker off for two hours and then flip it back on and see if you get water. So I did exactly that

Two hours later I had water at 3pm. Hooray--problem solved. By 5pm I had no water after using almost no water. Called the pump guy again. He said I will be there 8am tomorrow. Great, What am I going to do until 8am? I updated my neighbors and immediately got invitations to spend dinner and the night at their house. You will have your own bedroom and shower. Wow, I thought. How did I get so lucky to live among such great neighbors? Folks, North Guilford is not just where I live, It's my home and my community.


Dr. Mena

PS: Turns out the wires on the switch to the electric pump were burnt out. "It happens," the pump guy said. I gave him coffee as he switched the wires and then we had a nice chat about flowers. Turns out he's a flower enthusiast too.

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